Getting the perfect one of many variable
Sedu hairstyles is a great thing to achieve. However, even though the Sedu flat iron can do absolute wonders for your hair, it is essential to maintain the natural health of it as heat can possibly do much damage to your lustrous locks. No matter how great of a hair straightener you have, the fact of the matter is that high temperatures can cause your hair to become overly dry. It can also potentially soften the keratin. If you did not already know this, keratin is the hard protein that is a major component of not just your hair, but also your skin, nails, and even your teeth. Yes, there is no doubt in my mind that the Sedu flat iron is an awesome hair tool. However, the improper use of this tool can greatly do damage to your hair if you do not exercise some simple precautions. Here are a few
Sedu hairstyles tips for maximum hair protection.
Sedu Hairstyles & Clean Hair
Be sure that your hair is nice and clean before using the Sedu flat iron. This is usually a common sense tip, so please do not be offended if you already know this. To maximize the benefits of all of your Sedu hairstyling efforts, you must make sure that your hair is as clean as possible. This is not to say that we're assuming that you have dirty hair. There are pollutants carousing in the air that can get into your hair. Also, some shampoos, conditioners, hairsprays, hair gels, and other styling agents and products can unbeknown to us cause some build-up leaving an almost unnoticeable grimy feeling when you touch your hair. Make sure that your hair is properly washed with a shampoo and conditioner that is suitable for your hair type. There are many good shampoos and conditioners available for a wide variety of types including wavy, curly, coarse, dry, oily, normal, straight, and much much more. You should have no problem finding the right one for you.
Sedu Hairstyles & Wet Hair
Wet hair and the Sedu flat iron is a big no no! Granted some irons were specially made to be used on wet hair, such as the T3 Tourmaline Wet to Dry Straightener, the Sedu flat iron was definitely not intended to be used on hair that is not dry. When hair is wet, it is in one of its most weakest states. Even if it is just a little bit damp, do not begin Sedu hairstyling until it is completely dry. We understand that most of us are extremely busy and are always pressed for time. Taking short cuts may seem like the way to go as far as time management is concerned. That being said, we feel that we cannot stress this enough: Do please wait until your hair is completely dry before beginning your Sedu flat iron hairstyle regime. Exercising a small measure of patience in this area will in be the short and long term bring great benefits towards the health and vitality of your hair.
Sedu Hairstyles & Natural Oils
Your hair has its own essential natural oils that serve as a protection for it. Overly washing your hair can cause the stripping off of these oils. Find the balance between clean hair and too much cleaning in order to preserve these natural protective agents. Now, we have just discussed the avoidance of the Sedu flat iron on wet or damp hair. If you could be just a tad bit more patient and wait a few hours after freshly washing your hair before performing your Sedu hairstyling, that would be all the much more contributing to the protecting your hair. Why? Because waiting a while will let the natural oils sink in a little once again. When you wash your hair, you rid it of not just the unwanted gunk and grime, but also those protective oils naturally found deriving from your scalp and skin. While too much of that stuff is bad, we need a small amount of it. Not only will this protect your hair, but it will also assist in your Sedu hairstyling be making it more conforming and able to mold instead of being all frizzy and flyaway.
Sedu Hairstyles & Thermal Gels | Leave-in Moisturizers
Natural oils are not enough to protect our hair against the heat that emits from the Sedu flat iron. It is also necessary to use a protective hair treatment such as thermal gels and sprays and leave-in moisturizers. Not only are these products great protective agents, but many of them add extra luster and shine. Think about the measures you take to protect your skin from the harmful rays of the sun when you plan on going to the beach or somewhere else that you'll be exposed. What are using to protect your hair? If you haven't thought about it in this light, remember that your hair can be damage by sun rays and heat from hairstyling also. Always moisturize and protect, and you would do well to think about your hair as much as you think about protecting your skin.
Do you know your hair type and thickness? All models of the Sedu flat iron allow you to adjust the temperature and heat settings according to your hair type. The thinner and finer your hair is, the less heated your flat iron should be. The thicker and coarser your hair is, the more it will be able to withstand higher temperatures and heat settings. Don't forget, Sedu hairstyles are for all hair types!
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